as featured on @shittyrigs
Welcome to diwhy.life a website for the DIYer in all of us. My name is Walker, and I am a firm believer that most things in life can be fixed with duct tape and zip ties, and this site is intended to explore all things makeshift, hacked and otherwise rigged to serve some greater purpose. I’ve always been a tinkerer, a fixer, curious how things work or why they don’t. Another thing about me is I hate excessive waste, but that is a whole other topic I’ll save for another blog. More and more the things we surround ourselves with seem to be designed to fail, usually right about the time the warranty expires too. Nowadays, the thing is usually disposed of and replaced with another that we hope will be better and last longer. I hope that by watch my DIY videos that you too will get curious, get clever and make something you never dreamed possible. Power to the do it yourselfers!