Versatile Camping Blanket Review 🐾
I was once a Cub Scout and one of the Scouts mottos is to “Always be prepared” so it’s good idea to keep a blanket in your car at all times, because you never know when the weather’s going to turn on you or when it’s going to get chilly or you’re just going to want something soft and fluffy to lay down on in the park. If you just keep one of these in your car, then you always have one with you. This cute little camping blanket by PeaceNest that I just got off Amazon checks all the boxes; it’s easy to store, it’s compact, it easily opens up nice and big and it is soft on one side and waterproof on the other making it extremely versatile. This blanket works well on the beach, camping, in the park or you can just throw it over yourself because you forgot a jacket! I’ve done that a few times myself. Either way, it’s a great little blanket and my corgi Remi seems to really like it and we plan on taking this camping and to the beach and get a lot of use out of it this summer. If you are looking for a great little versatile blanket to use an a variety of different situations then this is one is a winner!
Buy yours here:

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