Giddy Up! Comfy Bike Seat Unboxing & Review
These super-comfy bike seats by Giddy Up have me smiling cheek to cheek! Watch as I unbox and install them on two bikes and take them for a test ride. The extra size and cushion makes these saddles great for adding comfort to any bike.
Alright, big ass comfy bike seats, they’re a blessing and a curse right? On one hand, they’re super-comfortable and they feel so good and they make riding so much more pleasant and they cradle you and they support you and they soften all of the bumps and dings and cracks and vibrations of the road. So why doesn’t everybody have one? Well they are kind of bulky, which means they’re kind of heavy, and they add a little bit of weight to the bike, so if you’re the type of rider that tries to keep their bike as light and efficient and streamlined as possible, then maybe a big giant cushy bike seat isn’t for you, but if you are an casual rider and you may not necessarily notice you a few ounces of extra weight on the , then I say go for comfort overperformance all day long. If you’re riding a stationary bike for working out, by all means please, do yourself a favor and get the fattest most gigantic, clunkiest, hugest bike seat you can absolutely find because, dear Lord, if you’re putting in all that effort and you have no need for then be comfortable. There’s no reason to be uncomfortable on a stationary bike. I want to thank Giddy Up! for sending me these two bike seats they were super-easy to swap out on my Retrospec Harper bike and my Retrospec Jax Rev E-bike. The super-big daddy one perfectly fits my E-bike and it makes the ride so comfortable, and again, with E bikes where performance isn’t so important go for comfort all-day, every day. I consider my wife a casual bike rider and she really wanted a cushy seat because the stock seat that comes with the bik is ok but not quite as confortable as she would like, so she loves it! I hope that this video helps people who are on the fence and not sure whether they want to get a performance seat or a comfortable seat. I hope that this video helps them make a make a decision one way or the other and I hope it makes them laugh a little bit. I thought the melee weapon bike seats were kind of a fun idea. Thanks for taking the time to watch this video and please leave a comment on this page I read them and reply to them. Let me know what else you guys want to see with regard to bike videos I’m open and willing to make anything so thanks!
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